Two Thousand Year Old Dream

Trekking on the ambient music,

We tuned into space mood.

We needed something outside,

Of chillwave for the road.

We got beat-focused on the down-

Tempo, nu-Jazz,

And rad samples interlaced with

Dance-y beats… and low fill.

Tripping and grinning,

In our new identities,

We rolled the Magnum,

Down the Avenue of the Giants,

To sleep like puppies under trees,

Older than Jesus Christ.

Yeah, that’s how we roll.

Feeling like prana?

Take a deep breath.

We gathered stones along the river,

Snapped photos of each other’s butts,

And watched the rippling water.

We climbed the switchbacks and slopes.

And didn’t let anyone tell us no.

I said, “This world is getting too complicated,

But nature is still the best dope.”

She knew exactly,

What I was talking about.

I still hate double rainbows.

I’m not a psychic.

I also hate tie-dyes and crystals.

I can’t predict shit.

I don’t read horoscopes.

I can’t tell you what’s happening,

Let alone what going to happen..

All of this gives me a bad name,

With the hippies.

Don’t worry,

I’m not a Christian, either.

I don’t even believe in Christ.

I can’t tell you if Jesus,

Was an actual man or just a myth.

I certainly don’t have faith,

He could walk on water,

Or raise the dead…including himself.

But I would love to walk on water.

Think of all those rivers I could cross,

Without getting my feet wet.

I would also like to be a superhero,

Just not with weird, hippie psychic powers.

I’m not a Muslim, either.

Heck, I’m not a Jew or Hindu.

I couldn’t give a foo,

About following your Voodoo.

Nor do I give a shinto,

Over you following your Dr. Who.

Do you dig it?

I’d rather listen to electronica,

Under 2,000 year old redwoods,

And gaze up between the branches,

Laughing and laughing,

About the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I’d rather push aside all the misery,

Conflict, bigotry, and the litany

Of other man-made calamities and ask,

The woman I love standing next to me,

“Is it time to make a fire,

Prepare a meal, and lay our bed?”

So that we can finally,

Throw arms and legs around each other,

Listen to some breakbeat and space mood,

And then sleep..side by side.

As in a 2,000 year old dream.

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