Open Window

Approach me in my sleep, come to me in dreams.
Blow in as a breeze through my open window.
Stir-up the curtains and rattle the glass panes.
My body lies on death’s bed clinching to a pillow.

Waiting for love to float in like an apparition,
to rescue me from this desperate affliction,
to dose me out of this drear hallucination,
to whisper into my ear, to speak of the years

long ago when love was real. When warm tears
were streams of joy. Sing softly as I am fragile
and yearn for the tenderness of the past.
Breathe into my lips so that I might last

one more day in your deep song of affection.
One more play in your ghostly presence.
Approach me in my sleep, come to me in dreams.
Blow in as a breeze through my open window.


Filed under Poems

3 responses to “Open Window

  1. Roannkoziel

    I truley love this poem and the photo seems to speak out to ya

  2. Dean, you are a deeply soulful poet. Please write more. So few have the calling, but you do. This is a sadly beautiful poem.

  3. Thanks, Cher and Roann. So nice to see the two of you on my blogsite!

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